Readers write us all the time to tell us how much they enjoy and benefit from Growing for Market. Here's a sampling of the comments we have received recently:
"The best way to learn farming is from other farmers. The best ideas from other farmers can be found in each month's issue of Growing for Market. It is a resource that no aspiring farmer should be without."
— Eliot Coleman, Four Season Farm, author of Winter Harvest Handbook and The New Organic Grower
"Growing for Market nails it in addressing concerns of market farmers everywhere. Each issue is full of innovative ideas, thoughtful analysis and breaking news in agriculture not found elsewhere. I know, because I've been a subscriber for 20 years!" — Richard Wiswall, Cate Farm, author of The Organic Farmer's Business Handbook
"After attending your workshop on cut flowers in St. Joe earlier this month, I came home and subscribed to Growing for Market. The first issue arrived this week and was absolutely packed full of information we have longed to find. The article most beneficial at this point in time was about the CSA management software programs. Going into our second year with CSA customers, I’m already convinced we need an online management system. Thank you for the time and effort put into developing this article. I’m convinced the other articles will be just as valuable in future months. I am certainly looking forward to more issues!" — Paula Sims, Walton, KS
"I just wanted to drop you a quick note and say thank you for your great publication. We started subscribing last year when we made the decision to turn the property we had bought the year before into a farm. We had our first farmers market 2 weeks ago and thanks to the great tips from your publication and our hard work it was a complete success. Some of the other vendors were surprised to find out that it was our first time selling at a farmers market because we were so prepared and did so well. I look forward to my Growing for Market arriving in the mail and really enjoyed reading The Flower Farmer over the winter." Brandy Burriesci, Boerne, TX
"As new market growers we need all the help we can get and GFM Newletters are an amazing source of useful information. We also thank you for the (Beginner's) special. I have read every single article in every newsletter from 2005 through 2010. I am working on The Best of 2004 right now. As I read I am reminded of the old adage, "The more you know... the more you discover there is TO know." Thank You, Michael Robison & Denice Moffat
"Thanks for publishing the excellent Growing for Market. The articles are pertinent and well written. I eagerly await and read the entire magazine for my monthly “fix” of great ideas and inspiration. Thanks again!!" — Gail Parlatore, North Fork Gardens
"Just wanted to let you know how much we have enjoyed receiving your magazine. After Hurricane Ike devastated our cattle operation, we decided to try to make better use of our high ground. Growing for Market has been very useful in developing possible ideas for our future. Keep up the good work. And again thank you. " -- Jerry R. Spencer, Winnie, Texas
"It seems that it is time to once again let you know how much we appreciate Growing for Market. Every issue is so valuable and we are constantly amazed at how you re-invent yourself — the new look of the publication, for example. Pam and I fight over Growing for Market — who gets it first." -- Gary Mount, Terhune Orchards, Princeton, New Jersey
"It's uncanny to us how many times over the years we have opened our mailbox to find an article in GFM that provides answers to our farm's most current problems. GFM is the market farmer's best resource for new ideas and cutting edge product information!" -- Ewell & Lauren Culbertson, Pachamama Organic Farm, Boulder County, Colorado
"Growing for Market provides a wonderful forum for the exchange of practical information between growers that is the key to improving our skills and surviving economically. This publication is a must-have." -- Eliot Coleman, author of Four Season Harvest, Winter Harvest Manual and The New Organic Grower
"I want to take this opportunity to tell you the new design looks great and I can't wait to settle in to read it front to back. It's my favorite publication and you do a fantastic job giving all your subscribers information they can use to make their businesses grow. I love it. I look forward to receiving my copy every month." - Evelyn Meiresonne, Centerburg, OH
"The Full Access Membership paid for itself the first time I used the online search feature to find information and read about other farmers' experiences with growing a crop I am considering for the spring season. As a print subscriber for three years, I wondered what wonderful information I had missed in prior issues. Now I don't have to wonder, I just search and read. Thanks for offering this great resource!" -- Mary Roberts, Monroe, NC
"I would like to say how amazed I am at the quality of information on your site and in the newsletters. The vendors' insights gained from years of selling at the market and their experiences in growing are priceless. It gives us a huge advantage over other vendors at our market. The cost of the subscription is quickly recovered from only one or two ‘tips’". -- George Roy, Portage la Prairie, Canada
"I am so grateful for your publication! I have recommended it to so many people over the years! We think we know so much until we talk to (or read of) other people doing things are/they are very inspiring. Thank you!" -- Carol Wilson, Grove, OK
"Why do I love GFM? Why do I read the articles 2, 3 and 4 times? Because you print what is needed, because you print what is happening, because you print stuff at the right time. I don’t know how you do it but you are the best pub. I have ever read for a specific purpose which is growing for market. We cultivate one-quarter acre of cut flowers to sell at a tiny four vendor market in Mathews County, VA. We are moving to the Wash., D.C. area and a larger farm and I have been thinking about how to plow a full acre. The answer is in your August 2008 issue. Every time I have a question you answer it. Thank you for all your work and your devotion to Growing for Market. And thank you for not straying from that field." -- George Williams, Virginia
"Your book, The Flower Farmer, is wonderful and the information is invaluable. 2008 is my third year growing flowers to sell at our Farmers' Market and I can honestly say that my success is directly attributable to the ideas and suggestions in your book. I cannot tell you how much it has helped me and I still refer to it all the time. I also recommend it to my customers who want to grow cut flowers. Whether one is growing cut flowers for pleasure or sale, the book is a valuable collection of information." -- Donna Makuch, Waxhaw, NC