Seeds, Bulbs, and Plants
Certified organic garden seeds! Bred and continually selected for optimal performance in organic productions systems, areas with short growing
seasons, and challenging conditions; our varieties flourish in organic gardens! Select seed. Select harvest. From our gardens to yours, Dan &
Theresa Podoll, Prairie Road Organic Seeds, Fullerton, ND. 701-883-4416; [email protected];
GFM Special!! Order $20 or more and received 16% off your 2016 order! Coupon Code: GFMorganically16 Visit our Etsy store at:
Certified Organic Sunchoke Seeds. High quality, productive tubers in multiple varieties. Free shipping; [email protected]
Plant NOW Enchanting Sweet Peas for gorgeous, fragrant long-stemmed FLOWERS.
Many individual colors. Buy seeds online. (800) 371-0233
Best Growing Tip - Plant early, Fall/Winter
WHOLESALE DAHLIA TUBERS. Starting at $1.75, no minimums per variety. 100 tubers minimum for total order. Early shipping available. Great cut flower varieties. email [email protected] for wholesale sheet.
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