The Flower Farmer

$ 35.00



Written by GFM founder Lynn Byczynski - An Organic Grower's Guide to Raising and Selling Cut Flowers, Second Edition.

Flowers are the most profitable crop you can grow, worth $25,000 to $30,000 per acre. This book will help you succeed in this lucrative market gardening venture.

The first edition of The Flower Farmer, published in 1997, helped spur a renaissance in domestic cut flower production. Today, cut flowers are sold in nearly every farmers market in America, and thousands of people now grow flowers as their sole crop. This new, full-color edition of The Flower Farmer is greatly revised and expanded to meet the needs of the more experienced grower. New topics include season extension, growing in hoophouses, and growing in heated greenhouses. Resources have been completely updated and expanded.

For those just getting started with flowers, The Flower Farmer provides a comprehensive guide to every aspect of small-scale commercial production. You will learn the best flowers to grow for your region and the most profitable flowers you can grow. You will get extensive advice on ecological production methods, including pest and weed control. You'll learn how to harvest and care for cut flowers. And you'll gain an understanding of the many potential markets for your flowers, which will help you determine where to focus your efforts.

The author is a veteran flower farmer, having grown for florists, supermarkets, and farmers markets. She is also the founder of Growing for Market, a national journal for direct-market farmers, so she has perspective beyond her own experience about the flower business.

The Flower Farmer is the first book every flower grower should read.

Softcover, 8x10, 234 pages, color throughout.


Also recommended: Specialty Cut Flowers by Allan Armitage and Judy Laushman.