Learn what consumers find the most compelling reason to join a CSA, what a CSA guest token is, and how changing weather is making farming more difficult for Megan Larmer and Nicole Scott at the Glynwood Center for Regional Food and Farming. Megan and Nicole are both part of the large team of people supporting the work of Glynwood, a food and farming non-profit located on a 225-acre farm in New York’s Hudson Valley. They have a wide range of programs fulfilling their missions of training farmers and supporting future farmers, providing local food for every table, educating stakeholders to advance regional food, and building producer coalitions. And they do all this work with a guiding value of equity and inclusion.
Megan Larmer is the Senior Director of Programs for Glynwood. She leads projects that convene food and farming professionals to execute training, collective efforts, and creative projects that further the development of a regional food system in the Hudson Valley. Primary amongst these are Glynwood's Cider Project, the Hudson Valley CSA Coalition, and the Food Sovereignty Fund.
Nicole Scott first joined Glynwood in 2017 as a Livestock Apprentice, then returned in 2019 as the Assistant Livestock Manager and is now the Director of Livestock Operations and Farm Outreach. She is responsible for all aspects of Glynwood’s diversified, certified Animal Welfare Approved livestock operation. In this role she manages herd health and nutritional management of all stock, as well as teaching apprentices how to manage five different species in a pasture-based system.
Connect With Guest:
Email: [email protected]
Email: @glynwood.org
Website: www.glynwood.org
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