Sophia Ngueyen Eng left a successful career is Silicon Valley, after questioning the health of industrial agricultural practices that men workers wear hazmat suits to spray the endless acres of strawberries planted not too far away from her. Now, she pursues her passions for sustainable farming and nourishing Asian cuisine on her farm in Tennessee, where she employs regenerative practices to raise grass-fed dairy cows, beef cattle, laying hens, broilers, ducks, sheep, goats, turkeys, and traditional Asian practices to grow a variety of produce for her multi-generational family and local community.
She has put it all down in her new book, The Nourishing Asian Kitchen, which spotlights healthy recipes from several different Asian traditions that can be made with farm-fresh whole foods. Her book draws parallels between soil and human health, for example how she feeds the soil with the same kind of fermented microbes as we can feed ourselves, with foods like sauerkraut and kimchi, and lactic acid bacteria from Korean Natural Farming for the soil. Learn how to feed yourself as well as you do your soil with this podcast and her book, The Nourishing Asian Kitchen.
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Instagram: @homesteadingagent
Instagram: @sprinklewithsoil
Podcast Sponsors:
Huge thanks to our podcast sponsors as they make this podcast FREE to everyone with their generous support:
BCS America - BCS two-wheel tractors are designed and built in Italy where small-scale farming has been a way of life for generations. Discover the beauty of BCS on your farm with PTO-driven implements for soil-working, shredding cover crops, spreading compost, mowing under fences, clearing snow, and more – all powered by a single, gear-driven machine that’s tailored to the size and scale of your operation. To learn more, view sale pricing, or locate your nearest dealer, visit BCS America. Tractors and Attachments are on sale through the end of the year. Visit to find sale pricing and your nearest dealer.
Bootstrap Farmer offers a complete range of growing supplies including heat mats, ground cover, frost blankets, silage tarps, irrigation, and trellising. They also make all-metal, all-inclusive greenhouse kits, constructed of steel made in the USA and fabricated in Texas. Their heavy-duty, Midwest-made propagation and microgreens trays will last for years and are available in a full spectrum of colors. For all that plus experienced support for everything they sell, check out Bootstrap Farmer at
Vermont Compost Company - Each fall, Vermont Compost offers a prebuy program to incentivize ordering your spring soil before the snow flies. With Vermont Compost’s prebuy program, you can receive 15% off on orders placed, paid for, and shipped by December 21st. Listeners of the Growing for Market podcast will receive an additional 5%, bringing the total discount to 20%. Visit for more details, or mention this podcast when you place your order.
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