The Flower Farmer: An Organic Grower's Guide to Raising and Selling Cut Flowers
Cut flowers are one of the most profitable crops you can grow, with growers across the United States reporting sales of $25,000 to $30,000 per acre. This book contains all the essential information you need -- planting, tending, harvesting, pricing, and selling flowers. It provides guidance on commercial production methods, and offers insights into the many marketing opportunities available to flower growers: farmers markets, florists, supermarkets, wholesalers, pick-your-own, weddings, and more. If flowers are in your future, you can't afford to be without it!
"Lynn Byczynski is the godmother of the organic flower movement. Little more than a decade after she wrote The Flower Farmer, the rest of the flower world is finally catching up with her visionary ideas and practices. This updated version brims with photographs, planting plans, and profiles of innovative cut flower growers, making it the definitive resource for anyone who raises and markets flowers as a commercial venture." — Flower magazine, Fall 2009